Special Education
Special education services and supports are provided to students who cannot access their Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) because of the impact of their identified disability. All students are general education students first. Special education provides supports and services so that students can access the general education curriculum. The federal law that regulates this is called The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) which was reauthorized in 2004. It ensures that children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education with special education and related services designed to meet their particular needs.
Douglass Elementary has special education services provided by special education teachers in conjunction with speech-language, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and psychology/social work services, as determined by the student's identified needs.
Boulder Valley School District and Douglass Elementary are committed to creating inclusive school settings for all students. It is expected in most instances that a student with disabilities can be educated in the school he/she would attend if not disabled, and in a general education classroom at least part of the day, with appropriate modifications and accommodations. When it is determined that a student’s needs cannot be met in his/her home school and a more restrictive environment is necessary, BVSD does have a continuum of services to meet those significant needs. Douglass Elementary has resource and ICAN programming.
Most students in BVSD, who require special education support, have their needs met through resource programming. Within this model, specialized instruction can be provided in the general education classroom or in small groups, depending on the level of need. Resource teachers are trained in special education and maintain appropriate licensure to work with students with a variety of needs.
Students whose behavioral or emotional needs interfere with their ability to make reasonable progress in their neighborhood school may be referred to an ICAN program. ICAN programs provide specific positive behavior support planning some students require. Teachers in ICAN programs have particular expertise in supporting students with emotional and/or behavioral needs.